North Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board
We safeguard adults with care and support needs from experiencing neglect and abuse.
What we do
North Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board (NTSAB) is a statutory and multi-agency partnership. NTSAB leads the strategic development of safeguarding adults work across the borough.
What is abuse?
Definitions of abuse and the different forms it takes.
What is safeguarding?
Protecting an adult from abuse and neglect.

Safeguarding Decision Support Tool launching
We launched a new Safeguarding Decision Support Tool on 8th July 2024. This new tool replaced the risk threshold tool.
The Safeguarding Decision Support Tool is to be used by all professionals and providers. All care providers are to submit concerns via the My Care web portal. SAB partners e.g. police, TWFRS, Housing and health may continue to use their own reporting mechanisms.
The Safeguarding Decision Support Tool supports professionals to consider which concerns should be reported as safeguarding concerns, taking in to account the level of harm and frequency.
Lower-level concerns which consist of isolated incidents, where no harm is caused, will not require a safeguarding concern. Examples of these concerns are shown in green in the tool. The tool provides a list of suggested actions to be taken by professionals in response to lower-level concerns.
Significant/critical concerns, which consist of harm being caused, or patterns of lower-level concerns continue to require a safeguarding concern. Examples of significant/critical concerns are shown in red in the tool.
Where there is uncertainty regarding the level of concern, advice should be sought from Adult Social Care on 0191 643 2777.
A new Incident Notification Form has been launched in the webportal. This form can be used to inform Adult Social Care of an incident which does not meet require a safeguarding concern to be submitted, but it is felt that information sharing will help to inform wider assessment.
A number of briefing workshops have taken place. If you were unable to access a workshop, a recording is available here.
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