What is abuse?

Definitions of abuse and the different forms it takes.

  • What is abuse?

    A definition of abuse.

  • Hands protecting different coloured paper figures

    Discriminatory abuse

    Discrimination against someone’s protected characteristics.

  • A distressed woman in a defensive position

    Domestic abuse

    Violence or abuse by someone who is or has been an intimate partner or family member.

  • An elderly person with hands covering face

    Psychological or Emotional abuse

    Subjecting or exposing another person to a behavior that may result in psychological trauma.

  • An elderly lady contemplating money worries

    Financial abuse

    Defrauding, stealing or misusing someone’s money or property.

  • A woman showing the palm of her hand

    Modern day slavery

    Forced labour and exploitation.

  • Elderly lady looking unhappy

    Neglect and acts of omission

    Failure to respect an adult at risks’s privacy, dignity, and individuality.

  • A nurse neglecting a man in a wheelchair

    Organisational abuse

    Neglect and poor care practice within organisations.

  • Someone terrorising an elderly lady in a wheelchair

    Physical abuse

    Physical abuse, restraint, and misuse of medication.

  • An untidy room

    Self neglect

    Neglecting one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings.

  • Two women talking

    Sexual abuse

    Direct or indirect involvement in sexual activity without a person’s consent.