Report a safeguarding issue
Report a safeguarding issue
URGENT NOTICE 05/02/2025
Due to technical issues our My Care portal is not functioning at present.
We are working to restore the portal.
Please don't delay any reporting of safeguarding.
If you are a professional, please use our manual reporting form available here
If you are a member of the public with a concern for a resident, please contact our Social Care Contact Centre on 0191 643 2777 during office hours.
If you have an urgent concern outside office hours, call 0330 333 4745.
In the event of the portal being offline, paper forms can be accessed here.
Adult social care providers must use the portal form to report suspected or actual instances of abuse or neglect. This could form the start of a Safeguarding Adults (Section 42) Enquiry under the Care Act.
To help progress the issue and measure how serious it is :
complete the form as fully as possible
use the Safeguarding Decision Support Tool.
use your knowledge of the person and your professional judgment
When writing a safeguarding report:
write down exactly what you are told or have seen
use the exact words of the person telling you — not your own
include times of incident(s)
include the type of alleged abuse
include the location of the alleged abuse
make it clear who said what and when
write down everything you saw — keep it factual
write down people's names in full, explaining who they are
be accurate — write down facts as they happened
be unbiased — do not take sides or ask leading questions
use the phrases tell me about it, explain that to me, describe that
To clarify information, without asking leading questions:
explain in detail what you were told and/or saw
write down anything you did as a result of the allegation
write or type your report yourself — keep a copy for your records
make sure you include the date and your signature
give a copy to your service or senior manager
do not show it to or share it with anyone who does not need to see it.
If you have concerns about a child telephone:
0345 2000 109.